Intranet Solutions

Intranet for IT

IT Leadership for Business Success: Unify Your Digital Workplace with Claromentis

    • Simplify your technology landscape by unifying intranet, e-forms, workflows, e-learning, and task management into one integrated solution. 
    • Reduce complexity, enhance security, and optimize resource allocation. Strengthen employee engagement through seamless collaboration tools while maintaining data integrity. 
    • Say goodbye to disjointed systems and welcome a streamlined IT environment that aligns with your strategic goals. 

Claromentis empowers you to lead with confidence, delivering a digital workplace that supports innovation and drives productivity.

Intranet software for IT departments

IT departments are the backbone of your organisation, ensuring that your business systems and software run smoothly. Help your IT team work productively with an integrated digital workplace that’s designed around their workflows, giving them the tools they need to efficiently support your business.

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Software that boosts your IT department's efficiency

Centralise your IT department’s data to boost efficiency and keep information secure. Our intranet software gives IT teams a secure space for managing policies and operational documents, with built-in permissions to limit access rights. Our drag & drop CMS empowers your team to build personalised department sites, so that staff can quickly access the vital information they need.

Intranets for IT | Claromentis

Build your own IT support helpdesk

Build a bespoke customer support helpdesk to process issues, customer complaints, and enquiries with our Business Process Management software. Built-in smart features such as SLA timers, automatic status changes, and notifications keep your processes ticking over with minimal input, saving you time from repetitive work.

Intranets for IT | Claromentis

Push time-critical announcements

IT teams often need to make important time-limited announcements about system availability, maintenance, and other events that can impact the service to your staff. Use our Announcements feature to distribute information to all staff in just a few clicks, and send push notifications directly to employees’ mobile intranet to alert them about urgent updates.

Intranets for IT | Claromentis
happy customer icon
Claromentis allows us to deliver practical information to employees, while making sure everyone feels a part of our culture and values.
Justin, Just IT

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Share IT knowledge to your staff

Share how-to videos, user guides, and help articles about common IT issues using our collaborative Knowledge Base app. Our in-built Q&A functionality empowers staff to ask questions and quickly find answers written by your in-house technology experts.

Intranets for IT | Claromentis

Break down silos with collaboration tools

IT departments can sometimes be seen as a faceless function accessed only in times of stress! Our social networking tool and collaboration features dispel that myth completely by providing quick access to questions, feedback, and shared experiences, creating a warmer and more “human” way of interacting with IT team members than traditional ticketing systems.

Intranets for IT | Claromentis

Get IT involved in your intranet launch

Whilst modern intranets like Claromentis don’t typically require IT skills to launch, your IT team will be instrumental during the early stages of your intranet installation if you decide to host in-house. IT will be your consultants in deciding factors such as intranet deployment, hosting, backup procedures, and internal security – so use them well!

Intranets for IT | Claromentis

Frequently asked questions

What is an IT department intranet?

An IT department intranet is a private network within an organisation that is an exclusive digital hub for the IT team. As a secure internal website, the intranet hosts important IT-related tools, documentation, and resources, such as software updates, troubleshooting guides, and network diagrams. By centralising critical data and tools, an IT intranet is key to empowering the team to efficiently manage and support the business’s technology infrastructure.

An intranet for IT departments can be used in many ways if it is tailored to the unique needs of the business. Some common uses include:

  • ✔ Resource centralisation: An IT department intranet is a centralised repository for critical IT resources, such as documentation, software updates, and hardware inventory.
  • ✔ Collaboration hub: An intranet fosters seamless communication and collaboration among IT team members, allowing for real-time discussions, idea sharing, and project coordination.
  • ✔ Knowledge sharing: An intranet facilitates the sharing of best practices, troubleshooting tips, and technical expertise within the IT department to create a collective knowledge base.
  • ✔ Efficient task management: It supports project and task management, enabling IT staff to track assignments, deadlines, and progress for improved project outcomes.
  • ✔ Enhanced security: Intranet solutions offer robust security features, helping IT teams to safeguard sensitive information and ensure regulatory compliance.

Intranet software is essential for an IT department to streamline its operations, enhance collaboration, and improve efficiency. By providing a secure centralised platform for IT professionals to access important resources, intranet software makes it easier for staff to share information, exchange ideas, and tackle problems in a unified way. An intranet solution also facilitates improved task management and expedites projects so that they are completed ahead of schedule. By implementing an intranet solution, your IT team will benefit from deeper insights and enhanced collaboration, leading to more efficient problem-solving and a stronger technology infrastructure.