Intranet for Small Businesses

Intranet software for Small Businesses

Our digital workplace will helps small and medium enterprises grow. Our cost-effective SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution comes ready with our cloud-hosted intranet, requires no IT resources to install, and includes access to our in-house customer support experts, so you can focus on what matters to you most – growing your business.

profile images and icons around a computer screen

Connect your business to one digital workplace

Claromentis intranet software is a gateway to all your business apps and productivity tools. Employees can access everything they need to get their job done from a single point of entry, streamlining workflows, boosting productivity, and freeing up time to help you focus on your investments.

Simple plans, affordable pricing

Running a small business or startup is full of challenges, but running an intranet shouldn’t be one of them. Our intranet software for small businesses includes simple monthly plans and a cost-effective pricing structure that takes the stress away and puts you in control. Our monthly SaaS package includes Google cloud hosting, backups, monitoring, and maintenance, as well as our expert customer support from day one.

Image of a pile of coins and a cloud icon
icon representing a happy customer
As a small agency when we first started with Claromentis, we were very impressed by what Claromentis could provide… [we] really like the fact that it’s a fixed cost by user group, rather than having to pay for separate modules. It’s really allowed us to grow the platform and its usage across the agency over a period of time.
Gareth, Two Circles
Intranet permission system provides information to relevant users

Centralise information and target content

Keep your employees, business partners, and investors in-the-know by centralising all important information on your intranet. Target content such as business opportunities and growth strategies to relevant team members using our smart permissions system, helping to save time from searching for key updates.

Foster innovation with collaboration areas

SMEs thrive on innovation to drive their business growth. Foster innovation by building dedicated collaboration areas using our social intranet features. Relevant team members can propose fresh ideas, share feedback, and kickstart new initiatives.

Intranet Collaboration spaces in our Discuss application
Business processes for small businesses

Streamline processes and improve accuracy

Streamlined business processes lead to improved accuracy, better compliance, and reduced costs. Claromentis comes with built-in workflow and e-forms software to help you run your organisation as efficiently and economically as possible.

Know your staff with people profiles

Businesses are nothing without the people behind them, from the founder and investors to stakeholders and front-line staff. Understanding every individual’s skills and what makes them tick is key to a successful business, and our customisable people profiles help to promote employee relationships and keep your staff connected.

People profiles icon