Intranet Features

Employee Management and People Directory

Create and manage intranet user profiles

The Claromentis employee management and user directory application, People, has been designed to securely store and display personal information relating to each employee on the intranet platform. Permission-based intranet accounts and interactive employee profiles can be effortlessly created to reflect the unique structure of each organisation on their intranet.

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Fully searchable and filterable employee database

This personal database securely stores information relating to each employee, or stakeholder, and presents this information in an intuitive list on your business intranet. The wholly searchable and fully filterable list can be modified by only those who have been granted the appropriate permissions.

Intranet People application metadata

The intranet database has been designed to store metadata, which in turn, contributes to better searching. The searching process can further be defined through the use of roles and groups.

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Intranet organisation chart

The Organisation Chart acts as a hierarchical system, clearly outlining employees’ roles and responsibilities. An organisation’s structure is displayed and can be downloaded to desktop, making it a valuable resource to employees.

Detailed permission system

Intranet users are divided into a sophisticated permission system consisting of name, group, role and extranet area. The permission settings adhere to requirements specific to each organisation and their security policy.

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Integration with Active Directory

Integration with your existing Active Directory is fully supported by the Claromentis intranet system and your preferred intranet profile fields can be extracted through the process of synchronisation. This eliminates duplication of effort and allows intranet users to seamlessly access third-party applications from their intranet without having to enter user names and passwords.

Integration with Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Skype

The Social Intranet Profiles feature enables employees to perform the following tasks from their intranet:

  • Create a Google+ hangout and invite others
  • Access their Skype account to communicate with colleagues located in geographically-dispersed offices
  • View a user’s Twitter feed
  • Send instant messages to other colleagues through Linkedin

Depending on your precise needs, these social features can be added at a later date or removed completely.

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Intranet activity feeds

A summary of recent posts published by each intranet user is additionally displayed on each users intranet profile’s activity feed. Employees can post comments and start discussions with other employees using the activity feed on their profile. The ability to follow other employees is also present.

Multiple intranet themes

The customisable nature of the Claromentis framework allows for multiple intranet themes to be designed and allocated to specific users or groups. Furthermore, particular applications and features can be omitted or incorporated in to each theme.

Customising intranet user profile fields

User profiles can be restructured to display or remove certain fields. Advanced settings can be applied to remove personal information from the view of certain groups or users.

Notify users to update their intranet profiles

The intranet system can be configured to automatically send out notifications to employees who have not updated their intranet profiles by a specific date. Automatic reminders can also be configured.

Skills and Endorsements

The Skills and Endorsements feature enables members of your organisation to add areas of expertise or recommend a skill to a user’s profile with a single click. It also helps you to discover the expertise that other professionals have.