On Premise Intranet | Intranet Software

Take charge of your intranet server with our on premise intranet solutions

Claromentis’ on premise intranet software gives your business the power to manage its own intranet infrastructure. Perfect for enterprise organisations who want to control all aspects of their tech stack, our on premise intranet solution enables your IT team to deploy their own intranet server, add corporate firewalls, install security updates, set up disaster recovery plans, and more for total autonomy.

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Secure your intranet in your way with an on premise intranet solution

Whether you have a dedicated IT team, stringent security procedures, or both, our on premise intranet package gives you the flexibility to manage your intranet server in line with your corporate security policies. This means you can define how your intranet server software is run and control the configuration of firewalls, anti-virus, monitoring, and security fixes in-house.

Backup your intranet software data as often as you want

Choosing an on premise intranet means your business can choose when and how to manage important intranet services – such as your data backup procedure. So whether you want to backup your data, database, and intranet software every hour or every day, and keep it for 30 days or forever, the choice is yours.

you are in control of your backup schedule
control intranet access by locking down to your local network

Restrict intranet access by locking it down it to your local network

When you select on premise hosted intranet software, your IT teams can choose to restrict intranet access based on your local network. This means only those who are connected to your local network – either in the office or via a secure VPN – can gain access to your intranet. Ideal for organisations that handle highly sensitive data, our on premise solution allows you to keep this information away from external entry.

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Schedule a time to speak to our team of experts about your project goals and we’ll show you how the Claromentis platform can help you achieve them.

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On Premise Intranet Resources

How To Create a Local Intranet Site: The Essential Guide for Beginners
You’ve no doubt heard a lot about cloud intranets. These are intranet sites that sit on a cloud web server (usually provisioned by your intranet vendor) that your teams can access from any location. Perfect for office-based and remote workers
How Much Does it Cost to Build an Intranet?
Modern intranets are powerful tools and will benefit your organisation in numerous ways – from increasing employee productivity to improving internal communication, knowledge sharing, employee engagement, and much more besides. But how much does a company intranet cost that will
What Are the Advantages If You Self Host Your Intranet?
The ‘self host vs cloud’ debate has been a staple of software selection decisions for the best part of the previous decade. But where do things stand now, in 2021? On the face of it, cloud seems to be taking
3 Factors to Consider First When Choosing Intranet Hosting
For many companies, the decision on where to host their Claromentis intranet software can be confusing – there are many more options than there used to be. In short, hosting your intranet website is a choice between hosting your intranet
Cloud vs. Self Hosted Intranet: Which One Is Best For You?
“Cloud computing” have been tech buzzwords for many years now, and the technology is certainly here to stay. It’s adapted and grown in stature since its original form, and in today’s modern workplace, cloud computing and modern intranets have revolutionised


On Premise Intranet FAQs

What is an on premise intranet?

In brief, an on premise intranet software solution is hosted on an organisation’s own infrastructure. This could mean the intranet software is hosted on a physical server that’s located within the office, or on a remote cloud server that the business has purchased.

Intranet suppliers – like Claromentis – will install the intranet software onto customers’ chosen server. The software itself, and its associated intranets services, is updated and maintained by the supplier, whilst the server it’s hosted on is the responsibility of the customer. This includes elements such as setting up firewalls, applying security patches, running backups, and monitoring performance – giving the customer a lot of flexibility.

If you’re still left wondering “how do I create a local intranet?”, take a look at our essential local intranet guide for beginners.

What’s the difference between on premise intranets, self hosted, and cloud intranets?

Whatever the size of your organisation and your business requirements, there are several intranet options to choose from to fit the needs of your company.

As we explored above, an on premise intranet solution means that the intranet vendor will install the software onto an organisation’s own server. This differs slightly from a self hosted intranet.

Self hosted intranet software means that the organisation will also install the software onto their servers, with no assistance from the supplier. The majority of intranet suppliers – Claromentis included – don’t offer this service, and it’s usually only an option for open source software.

A cloud intranet, on the other hand, is fully managed by the intranet vendor. Also known as intranet SaaS solutions (intranet software as a service), a cloud intranet is an all-in-one subscription that includes the software, server, hosting, security, backups, regular updates, and more. A great intranet for businesses of all sizes and sectors, SaaS intranet solutions are especially popular with small businesses. Startups and SMEs don’t usually have the in-house resources or cash flow to host an intranet themselves, making a cloud intranet – which provides all software and services in one monthly cost – the best intranet for small business.

What benefits are there to an on premise intranet?

Organisations that choose to host their employee intranet software on premise will experience several benefits, including:

  • More control over your intranet server: By hosting your intranet portal software on your own server, your IT team can tailor the server specifications based on the intranet vendor’s recommendations as well as your own internal best practices. This gives you a lot more control over the cost and deployment of your tech stack.
  • Additional security measures: Whilst Claromentis’ cloud intranet is HIPAA compliant and ISO27001 certified, we understand that some organisations – especially those in the healthcare or finance sector that handle particularly sensitive data – may still want to host their intranet on premise. Doing so allows them to have complete oversight and responsibility of their data, and apply any additional security measures to their office intranet software.
  • Could be more cost-effective in the long term: Depending on your intranet requirements, in-house tech expertise, and internal infrastructure, choosing an on premise solution could end up providing you with a low cost intranet in the long term. That’s because an on premise intranet software licence is purchased as a one-off-cost. The only ongoing cost is a monthly or annual support and maintenance agreement between the intranet vendor and customer. However, the initial upfront cost of the intranet software licence may exclude smaller businesses from choosing this option if they don’t have the cash flow. With that in mind, a better intranet for small business is a cloud based intranet, which spreads the cost across a monthly subscription.