Intranet Features

Intranet Security

A secure intranet in-house or in the cloud

At Claromentis, we take intranet security seriously. Your intranet is home to all your apps, business processes, files, communication, and more – which is why we prioritise intranet security. Whether you choose to host your intranet in-house or in the cloud, our enhanced intranet security package ensures you can rest easy in the knowledge that your intranet is safe and secure.

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A secure intranet in the cloud

Hosting your intranet in the cloud means Claromentis take care of intranet security for you. We use Google Compute Engine to host your intranet, providing multiple layers of security delivered by both Google and Claromentis. Our SaaS package also includes an SSL certificate for * domains as standard, so that access to your intranet is via the secure https protocol from day one.

Server and network security

All intranets that are deployed in the cloud benefit from our dedicated security package, which includes a multi-level firewall, SELinux, and Fail2Ban. We run regular scans on our cloud servers and fully test each server against network, OS, and application vulnerabilities. Claromentis team members will only ever access your cloud intranet using secure protocols, with access fully audited.

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Hardware security

The physical hardware which hosts your cloud intranet is protected by Google’s comprehensive security measures, including 24/7 high-res video surveillance, laser beam intrusion detection, and biometrics. Specially trained security guards protect Google’s data centres, and routine checks of camera footage take place to monitor any incidents.

Software security

Claromentis intranet software is specifically coded with security in mind, to ensure that your platform is safe. Our software is written in encrypted PHP, and our code is protected from SQL injections, brute force attacks, session hijacking, and CSRF and XSS attacks.

In-house security

Hosting your intranet within your own infrastructure allows you to control your security measures in accordance with your company compliances, including the additional layer of safety provided by corporate firewalls.

Intranet security

Claromentis intranet software is built upon a robust permissions system, allowing intranet administrators to control access levels within the platform itself. Access can be bound by IP address, extranet area, groups, role within the company, and on an individual user basis.

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Password security

Intranet administrators have the ability to configure a secure password policy reflecting company procedures, including length and strength of password, number of login attempts before the account is blocked, and maximum age of password. All passwords are automatically hashed before being stored in the database.

Document Management System security

Optional configuration can be setup to enable MD5 algorithm security in your Document Management System (DMS). This ensures that files stored in your DMS retain their integrity, measured by their digital signature provided by the MD5 hash.

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Two-factor authentication

Our intranet software comes ready with built-in two-factor authentication capabilities, giving you the option to add an extra layer of protection to your login process. Once enabled, your employees will need to enter an additional code generated by their two-factor authentication smartphone app, before they can access their intranet.