Community Extranet Portal Software

Support and grow your online community

Provide your community members with a 24/7 collaboration portal, where they can access project areas, view documents, and communicate in a secure central hub.

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Create a public or private community portal

Claromentis’ Community Portal software can be presented as either a public or private-facing site. The in-built permission system allows community administrators to lock down specific content areas through the allocation of detailed permission rights to specific community users or groups. Create an open or private community to suit the needs of your community members.

Community knowledge base and FAQs

Community-based articles can be easily created in the Claromentis knowledge base application using a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get Editor. A range of media types such as videos and images can additionally be added to articles along with Google Maps. Community members can post responses and feedback concerning each article in the knowledge base’s collaboration area.

Follow community members and ‘like’ posts

Social networking features such as the ability to ‘like’ posts, follow community members and view user activity streams, help to build an online collaborative community. Once a community user has ‘liked’ a post, or tagged a user, a notification is automatically issued to the author. The frequency and method in which notifications are issued can be configured to suit the individual needs of each community member.

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Collaborative activity streams

Activity streams are permission-based areas that allow community members to post comments, collaborate, share files, links and documents. User tagging and the ability to like posts are also available in the activity stream. Personal activity streams are viewable from each community member’s profile, and contains posts they’ve published, replied to, ‘liked’ and have been tagged in.

Target content to specific community members

Community-based articles can be easily created in the Claromentis knowledge base application using a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get Editor. A range of media types such as videos and images can additionally be added to articles along with Google Maps. Community members can post responses and feedback concerning each article in the knowledge base’s collaboration area.

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Community document areas

Community portal members can quickly locate relevant documents through the Claromentis Document Management System. Community administrators can securely add documents and assign granular permission rights. The Claromentis Document Management System integrates with Google Docs, allows users to preview documents, offers full version control and viewable audit trails. There is also a document commenting area to allow community members to contribute their feedback and suggestions.

Individual community user profiles

Community members can personalise their profiles by uploading photos and supplying contact information. Member profiles can be configured by community administrators to encourage members to input specific information, such as; contact information, skills, location and preferences etc. Offer members a complete collaboration platform by enabling them to display their Twitter feeds alongside their profiles.

Create suggestion and feedback forms

Effectively capture customers’ feedback and suggestions through the creation of a suggestion/feedback form. View a summary of all suggestions or search through filtering. Create workflows and assign in-built notifications to ensure community feedback is presented to appropriate team members.

Surveys and polls

Use surveys and polls within your community portal to discover the consensus of your members on a range of topics. Polls and surveys can be added to the community portal’s homepage offering members multiple choice surveys to encourage members to input their opinions.

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E-learning customer courses

The Claromentis Learning Management System allows organisations to create appropriate courses, modules and assessments for their community members, on any topic. Learning material such as PowerPoint presentations, documents and videos can also be supplied. Bespoke training paths can be set up to enable customers to complete courses in the preferred order. The Claromentis Learning Management System is SCORM compliant and allows organisations to track progress through LMS reports and audits.

Secure project collaboration spaces and forum boards

Community members can securely collaborate on projects using the Claromentis Project Management application. Project tasks within each project space can be assigned a completion date and allocated a priority level. Project events and meetings can also be created to ensure community extranet members are kept up-to-date.