Upgrade to a Secure Intranet with Claromentis: The Intranet Platform That IT Managers Trust

Data is one of your business’s most valuable assets but, if not properly protected, its loss could spell disaster for your organization. With reports of cybercrime soaring after the global pandemic, it’s a problem that is unlikely to disappear. 

The consequences of a data breach can be serious: as well as financial penalties, businesses may lose customers as trust plummets, leading to falling revenues and reputational damage. With sensitive data stored in company intranets, it’s vital that you choose a reliable supplier if you’re planning to upgrade or replace your business’s platform.

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How Claromentis Delivers Secure Intranet Software

At Claromentis, we take a proactive approach to intranet security, with the following features designed to minimize risk and repel cyberattacks and hacks:

1. Authentication And Access Controls

Authentication And Access Controls

Because a company intranet is an invaluable repository of business data, it’s vital that only authorized users can access it, particularly with the popularity of remote working. Our intranet platform features secure authentication methods, such as multi factor authentication, single sign-on, and role-based access controls. These ensure that only employees, stakeholders, and trusted partners with the necessary permissions can enter the system and significantly reduces the likelihood of unauthorized access.

2. Data Encryption

The data stored in a company intranet system is often of a sensitive or confidential nature, so encryption, for data in transit and at rest, is imperative. Encryption, which is achieved using SSL/TLS protocols for data in transit, or encryption algorithms, such as AES or RSA, for data at rest, ensures that, if unauthorized access is gained, the information cannot be read.

3. Regular Security Patches

At Claromentis, we stay one step ahead of cybercriminals by issuing automatic security patches when a new threat emerges. This ensures that your company data is always protected and that any known vulnerabilities are eliminated. Because our platform is hosted in the cloud, your IT staff don’t need to remember to install patches or updates, as these will be actioned automatically on your behalf.

4. Network Security

Network Security

Intranet systems can be integrated with other business systems and networks, such as your ERP or CRM, but this potentially exposes data to security weaknesses unless robust measures are implemented. Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, and network segmentation are highly effective in reducing the risk of unauthorized access, so our intranet software is designed to accommodate a range of strategies and tools to keep your data safe.

5. User Training

User Training

Finally, with 82 percent of data breaches arising from human error, it’s vital that your staff understand their responsibilities in keeping business information safe and secure. We provide comprehensive training to educate employees on best security practices, such as password strength, safer browsing habits, and threat identification and reporting. By encouraging your team to be responsible intranet users, our training can help to foster greater security awareness to minimize the risks to your business.

Contact Us To Arrange A Free Demonstration

At Claromentis, we offer a personalized demonstration of our intranet platform, so you can learn more about the robust security features that will help to safeguard your business’s sensitive data.To arrange your free, no-obligation demo, please contact us today.


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