How to Create a Personalised Intranet That Engages Employees

Today, being able to offer employees a personalised intranet is more important than ever to keep the organisation engaged and connected. 

Traditional intranets, which are little more than company news feeds, no longer meet the needs of today’s employees, who expect a smooth, intuitive and personalised digital experience with every platform and technology they engage with. More importantly, they expect intranet software solutions that help them get their jobs done.

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The primary purpose of a corporate intranet platform is to create a trusted digital workplace that enables fast and efficient knowledge discovery through seamless collaboration, streamlined communication, and easy information and document management. 

These are the essential elements of successful employee intranet software. Yet far too many company intranets fall way short of delivering on these fronts.

In fact, research reveals that 90% of intranets fail. This comes down to a number of factors, ranging from unclear governance, unclear purpose, disengaged executives and employees, poor user experiences, outdated content and lack of personalisation. 

Bar graph showing top 10 reasons intranets fail

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What do intranet users want from a modern digital workplace?

Driven by the exemplary personalised experiences on social network platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, today’s employees want an intranet platform that enhances the employee experience – one that delivers personalised content that is relevant to them and cuts out the noise that inhibits workflows and knowledge discovery. 

This is especially important in today’s world where remote and hybrid working practices are increasingly becoming the norm. According to 2021 data from the Office for National Statistics, 85% of working-age adults now favour a permanent hybrid approach to working. However, businesses are still facing communication and collaboration challenges across remote and hybrid teams. In other words, employees expect to be able to work from home long-term but are prevented from doing so due to inefficient digital workplaces.

Data compiled by suggests that whilst most people are at least as productive at home as in the office, just under one in five workers (16%) struggle with collaboration and communication, and 60% feel less connected to their colleagues than before. 

Chart showing employee work at home productivity rates

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A modern intranet designed to deliver personalised content and experiences bridges this gap in no uncertain terms. 

Giving employees immediate and easy access to the most relevant information to them, a good intranet creates a winning digital workplace experience that keeps employees informed and connected – no matter if they’re at home, in the field, or at the office. 

For this level of personalisation to be achieved, the company intranet must be customisable, be backed up with a strong and targeted content strategy that reflects audience needs based on up-to-date user profiles, and be replete with powerful features and functionality so that the right content and experiences can be delivered to the right people. 

Six success factors for a personalised intranet infographic

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Creating an agile and adaptable personalised intranet with LMS triggers

Modern digital workplace platforms deliver on all these fronts – breaking down knowledge silos within the organisation to provide each and every employee with immediate access to the content, connections and resources they need, often from a single page. 

This is crucial. Today, the modern intranet plays a central role in onboarding, training and upskilling employees – making the quick and easy discovery of relevant information essential.

To facilitate this, the best intranets on the market today come with an in-built learning management system (LMS).

A LMS is your organisation’s dedicated hub for learning, allowing employees to access all their learning tools, courses and resources from a centralised location. With a LMS, personalised training paths can be easily created to provide all staff members with tailored learning activities in multiple formats, including text, slides, audio, video and gamified courses and content

Read more: 6 Benefits of Moving to an Intranet Based Training System

A LMS is a fantastic tool to deliver personalised content in and of itself – but becomes even more powerful when enhanced with LMS Triggers – a dedicated LMS platform add-on created by the team at Claromentis.

LMS Triggers allow you to set up rules in your employee intranet so that once an employee has completed a specific action, the intranet experience automatically changes to meet their needs better. 

For example, when new hires or employees are working through e-learning materials, LMS Triggers can be set up to unlock various intranet features as the training is completed – empowering employees to create their own personalised intranet experience based on their learning accomplishments. 

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New employees, for instance, may only have access to limited version of the company intranet until they have completed the induction course – at which point a more advanced version of the digital workplace is unlocked, replete with additional features and giving them the ability to customise their home page. 

▶️ Watch video: Watch our explainer video to see LMS Triggers work its magic!

Specific and crucial intranet tools like expenses reporting or leave management can be given the same treatment – with LMS Triggers, tools like these may be rendered inaccessible until users have completed the appropriate training to use them properly. Additionally, employees can be recognised with intranet badges pinned to their profiles that showcase their achievements, qualifications and successes as they work through various e-learning programmes. 

This all encourages engagement with the company intranet, as employees are rewarded with accolades, advanced features and access to key tools and personalised content the more training they complete. And the beauty with LMS Triggers is that it all happens automatically – creating a truly sophisticated and modern digital experience that today’s employees expect. 

Final thoughts on personalised intranets

With 78% of HR leaders believing that employee experience will be one of the most important factors impacting an organisation’s ability to deliver on business objectives within the next two years, creating a connected and engaged digital workforce is nothing short of essential for the modern enterprise. 

Percentage that HR leaders think employee experience impact’s ability to deliver objectives

Modern intranets are central to achieving this – particularly in remote or hybrid work environments. With powerful tools like LMS Triggers facilitating enhanced personalisation, organisations can create an engaging, motivating and rewarding intranet experience for each and every user.  

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