Intranet Features

Room Booking

Book office rooms and equipment within your intranet

The Room Booking intranet application works as a comprehensive administrative tool for managing rooms, equipment and services within an organisation. Room and equipment availability is also viewable by all users of the system.

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Managing the booking process

Managing room bookings using intranet software is often an understated requirement of businesses, and problems may occur with double bookings or equipment being unavailable when required. The room booking intranet system was therefore designed to ensure that users experienced a smooth and reliable business process. It has proved to be a valuable asset to many of our clients – enabling resources to be redirected towards previously neglected areas within their business.

Approval process

An approval process for accepting or declining room and equipment bookings can be set up, so that team members cannot book any room or equipment until it has been approved by the appropriate person. An element of control can therefore be activated depending on the preference of the user, altering the degree to which the room booking system is human-managed.

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View all bookings in diagram form

In the Claromentis Room Booking app, any user can view bookings made by other team members by selecting the “Show diagram” functionality. Approved bookings are displayed in green, pending bookings are in grey, while rejected bookings are in red. Bookings can also be viewed in three different duration types: day, week and two weeks. This provides an at-a-glance view of availability, helping users to plan their bookings.