Intranet Features

Image Gallery

Manage corporate images securely

The Image Gallery application allows your users to securely store and share corporate photos on the intranet. Our keyword searching and tag filtering functionality helps users locate relevant photos quickly, and our integrated social features helps to foster an engaging user experience for your staff.

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Upload an entire album in one go

Intranet users can upload multiple images simultaneously by dragging & dropping files from their desktop.

Image commenting area

Our Image Gallery app includes integrated social networking features, allowing users to “Like” their favourite images and post feedback or comments, encouraging employee interaction.

Claromentis mobile push notifications
Claromentis mobile push notifications

Keyword searches and tag filtering

Our keyword searching and tag filtering helps intranet users find images quickly. Intranet users can add tags to images when they upload them to their intranet, helping to build a collaborative tag cloud for easy filtering.

Assign permissions

Permissions can be assigned to individual users, groups, or roles for each gallery, ensuring that only the appropriate team members can manage, upload, and view images.

Claromentis mobile push notifications
Claromentis mobile push notifications

Embed galleries on your homepage

Embed image galleries on your intranet homepage using our dedicated Gallery component, helping to promote engagement with corporate and social photos.