Intranet Features

Intranet Discussion Forums

Discuss and share with intranet forums

The Claromentis Forum application supports corporate communication and collaboration while instilling a sense of community. Discussions on any topic can be created and the built-in permission system ensures that employees can securely share their ideas and suggestions. Intranet users can subscribe to forums posts to be kept up-to-date whilst intranet administrators can pre-moderate discussions.

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Forum moderation

Forum moderators will receive an email or intranet inbox notification on topics which have been assigned the ‘pre-moderation’ status. Upon reviewing the user’s comment, the moderator can choose to remove or accept the comment. The ability to apply moderation is an optional feature and can be applied to particular forum posts

Subscribe intranet users

Intranet users can receive update notifications through the ‘subscribe’ functionality. For important forum posts which require the attention of all users with ‘view rights’, intranet administrators can auto-subscribe these users to receive update notifications.

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Secure permissions

Due to the detailed permission engine pre-built into the intranet platform and present in all intranet applications, varying permission-rights can be distributed to select users. The permission rights are associated with the ability to view, post responses on a forum post or become a moderator. Permissions can be assigned to individual users, groups or users with particular roles.

Create classifieds

The functionality on offer from the Forum application enables intranet administrators to present a forum board as a Buy & Sell/Classified area on their intranet system. The name of the author along with their comment and item for sale is presented to users and interested intranet users can individually post responses.

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Claromentis mobile push notifications

Forum notifications

The type and frequency of notifications can be configured on an individual basis to facilitate user preferences. In-system notifications can be issued to the user’s intranet inbox or sent directly to the email address. Alternatively, notification digests which offer users a summarised overview of recent updates, can be issue daily, weekly or monthly.

Quick search functionality

Forum boards, categories, topics and replies can be filtered by keyword, relevancy and date enabling intranet users to efficient locate the required information. There is also ‘Quick Search’ functionality present within the Forum application for users who don’t require filtered search results.

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