Cloud-Based Intranet: 8 Reasons You Should Consider It

As more organizations transition to remote and hybrid working environments, providing staff with an efficient internal communication platform is imperative. One way to do this is via intranet software – and for many organisations a cloud intranet has many advantages. 

For years, on-premise intranets have been the go-to solution for a business intranet. But in the new remote working environment and with the growth of the cloud computing market expected to hit USD 1.44 Trillion by 2029, cloud-based intranet software makes more sense. 

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Below, we consider a host of benefits that come with a cloud-based intranet.

What is an intranet platform?



An intranet platform is an online system that enables staff to communicate and collaborate. It is a private network that sits behind the company firewall and is only accessible by employees. Intranet platforms can be used for various purposes such as sharing documents, posting updates, communicating news, organizing events, and more.

What is a cloud-based intranet? 

As the name suggests, cloud-based intranet software is an intranet platform that resides in a remote server (the cloud) instead of being hosted on the premises. This means it is hosted by a third-party provider and accessed via the internet. Staff can access it from any device – desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone – anywhere in the world, provided they have an internet connection. Because it’s cloud-based, there is no need to install software or hardware to access the platform.

There are several benefits of an intranet in general, such as improved employee engagement, better collaboration, streamlined internal communications and knowledge sharing, faster turnaround on issues, and better productivity overall. But, cloud-based intranet software offers additional benefits, as we note below. 

Cost-savings of a cloud intranet

On-premise intranets have expensive up-front equipment, personnel, and other expenses, while a cloud-based intranet only requires a one-time set-up fee and an agreed monthly charge.

With a cloud-based system, you won’t have to worry about unexpected expenses from high employee usage or the need for a large IT staff. The day-to-day operation of the intranet is frequently handled by HR and admin employees. Because of this, a cloud-based intranet is a cost-effective alternative for your company.

Security of a cloud based intranet

Poorly configured on-premise intranets are susceptible to cyberattacks as they are connected to the internet. As a result, hackers can gain access to company data and confidential information, leading to loss of money, intellectual property theft, and more.

A cloud based intranet solution is hosted on remote servers that are well protected with the latest security measures in place. This means your data is safer when stored in the cloud and less likely to be breached.

All-in-one platform  

A good cloud-based intranet will come with a range of features and tools that your employees can use to collaborate and get their work done. This means there is no need for separate applications or software, as everything is available in one place. 

This saves time and allows staff to become more efficient and productive as they don’t have to waste time searching for the right tool or application. 

Intranet platform graphic showing Claromentis apps

An all-in-one platform saves time and improves productivity

Agility and scalability

Another benefit of a cloud-based company intranet is its agility and scalability. The system can quickly adapt to changes in staff numbers or requirements, whereas an on-premise intranet would require manual modifications and potential downtime. 

If you need to increase or decrease the number of users on your intranet, a cloud intranet system can easily accommodate this. Likewise, if you experience an influx of new employees, you can scale up the platform to meet their needs.

Round-the-clock access from anywhere

One of the biggest benefits of working in a remote and hybrid environment is its flexibility to staff. With a cloud-based intranet, employees have round-the-clock access to company information and resources no matter where they are in the world. 

This means they can continue to work even when away from the office or out of town on business. All they need is an internet connection, and they can be as productive as usual.

Quick integration 

Another benefit of an excellent cloud intranet is its ability to integrate with other corporate systems and platforms. This allows you to use the platform as an extension of your existing business applications and tools, providing employees with access to everything they need in one place.

Seamless operations and periodic backups 

Since all data resides on a remote server, maintenance can be performed without affecting staff productivity or service levels. In addition, with periodic backups taken care of by the provider, there is no need for IT personnel involvement, so this frees up time to work on other projects. 

Real-time updates 

Good cloud-based intranets offer real-time updates to be sure that everyone in the company is always working with the latest information. This helps keep everyone on the same page, prevents confusion, and boosts productivity.

Conclusion: choosing a cloud intranet solution

The cloud is the new normal for most organizations as they look to reduce costs and increase flexibility. You’re right to be thinking about your organization’s needs in this way. 

The best way to go about choosing a cloud-based intranet portal is to do a feature comparison where you compare like for like features of the top platforms. Wherever possible, sign up for a free, fully functioning demo to see how the system works out for you. This will help you to make an informed decision that suits your needs and budget.

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