Discover the Benefits of Our Digital Workplace

Our Digital Workplace Benefits

Our software helps your company get engaged, collaborate more, boost productivity, and expand knowledge.

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Improve employee engagement

Whether you want to improve engagement with your millennial workforce or organisational veterans, our solution is packed full with intuitive intranet features to drive engagement throughout your company. From corporate social networking, to news, blogs, and discussion forums, there’s a tool for everyone to use and enjoy.

Learn more about improving employee engagement >>

Collaborate more

Encourage a collaborative culture and break down those office silos with interactive communication tools. Using Claromentis’s social intranet features and collaboration apps, your teams can work together on projects, generate innovation, and communicate across all organisational hierarchies to get your business moving and talking.

Learn more about collaboration >>

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illustration of a ticket going through a process

Boost staff productivity

Our e-forms and workflows features help your team work smarter – not harder. Get those day-to-day tasks done quicker with our suite of efficiency tools, boosting staff productivity and saving your business hours of wasted time and money. Analytics dashboards ensure your team makes data-driven decisions to facilitate business growth.

Learn more about boosting staff productivity >>

Expand knowledge

Promote an engaging and supportive learning environment within your organisation. Our e-learning features provide buildable training courses and tailored learning paths, expanding your workforce’s knowledge and skills. Training records and certificates provide an interactive and rewarding learning experience for staff across all levels of your business.

Learn more about expanding knowledge >>

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