How to Boost Staff Spirits and Avoid a Drop in Morale

Now that we’ve all spent a significant amount of time in lockdown, we’re quite accustomed to the work-from-home-routine. Mornings start with a commute-free journey to the desk, meetings take place over video, and the week ends with a virtual “Beer Friday” (at least, it does at Claromentis!)

Whilst businesses have done extremely well to make the transition from office to home working in record time, leaders need to be mindful about what’s next. As the weeks of lockdown go by and the return to “normal” is set to be slow, it’s likely that staff morale will start to wane. Senior management need to anticipate this before it gets critical. By looking out for the warning signs, being empathetic, and putting morale-boosting measures in place, business leaders can make sure that staff stay motivated for the long-haul.

A good place to put these initiatives into action is your company intranet. Its collaborative nature means it’s the perfect arena for checking the pulse of your workforce, whereas its social tools will help you keep staff engaged, productive, and lift their spirits.

Try these intranet ideas to mitigate a decline in staff morale:

Encourage business leaders to blog

It’s crucial that business leaders are visible and transparent in times of crisis. And if there was ever a time for leaders to put this into practice, it’s now.

A regular intranet blog post from senior management is a good way to increase visibility and promote honest communication. By sharing news on the state of the business, motivational tips, or just general thoughts and musings, leaders will show that they’re present and available for their staff.

How to Boost Staff Spirits and Avoid a Drop in Morale | Claromentis

Allow space for comments as well, to strengthen the importance of transparency and encourage a two-way conversation. Staff will feel supported when leaders are approachable and open to feedback.

Create a virtual open door policy

Understanding your employees’ state of mind during lockdown, and picking up on any warning signs early on, is key to preventing a plummet in morale.

Encourage business leaders and line managers to create a virtual open door policy, by making their intranet calendar available to all staff. Then, invite employees to book catch-up calls to talk through any struggles or ask questions. This gives managers the opportunity to understand how staff are feeling, so that they can address any pain points before they turn into something more serious.

calendar with event highlighted

Share staff successes

Consuming endless negative news can really take its toll, and over time will contribute to feelings of low morale.

Counter the negativity with some positivity, by sharing staff successes on your intranet. New sales, outstanding customer service, or completing a project are all worthy of being celebrated, and staff will really appreciate the recognition.

Go one step further by acknowledging staff with intranet rewards, or by sharing kudos on your intranet thank you widget. Public recognition like this will increase confidence levels and motivate staff to keep going.

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