
Canwel logo

Employees 300

Industry Construction

Customer Since 2013


    • Claromentis allows for the realtime sharing of current information, greatly reducing opportunities for miscommunication and error
    • Everything is readily available and organised, saving time and negating the need to search through layers of emails and storage devices
    • Has greatly enhanced IT infrastructure


Products & Services

    • Intranet Software
    • Claromentis North America team account management
    • Onsite training

Intranet Case Study – CanWel

One of North America’s major distributors of construction and renovation materials, CanWel needed a solution which could connect hundreds of stakeholders in one primary digital workplace.

Customer background

As one of North America’s largest distributors of building materials and home renovation products, CanWel Building Materials Group serves the new home construction, home renovation and industrial markets. CanWel also operates 7 wood preservation plants that produce quality treated wood products.

With nearly twenty locations across Canada, CanWel needs a platform that can connect hundreds of stakeholders in one central, digital workplace.

Purpose of the system

The Claromentis North America Team provided onsite training for CanWel and helped make recommendations regarding system adoption, including fast access to forms, sharing of training materials and corporate updates. As a robust communication tool, CanWel uses Claromentis for knowledge sharing, HR forms, training materials and widespread access to updates across sectors of the organisation.

CanWel intranet landing page in a browser displaying the homepage components

Critical applications

The following applications proved to be critical in meeting CanWel’s needs:

    • News feed
    • Document Management System
    • People profiles
    • Knowledge Base

Why they liked us

a left quotation markWe’ve had a good experience working with the design team […] we were very pleased with the way our new intranet turned out. The look and feel were exactly what we had asked for.a right quotation mark Kathie – HR Manager

Give staff a workplace to call home

Access every app, share information, and collaborate in one central workplace. Try Claromentis now or book a demo with our experts.